Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition

Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition

Panda Cloud Antivirus is a new antivirus in the free antivirus category.  It is lightweight and works as system service to protect you from latest threats. Unlike, other antivirus Panda Cloud Antivirus works without need for updates.  Its operate purely basis on the Panda Collective Intelligence servers. Panda Cloud Antivirus provides fastest protection against…continue reading →
How to Chane My Document & Desktop Folder Default Path in Windows XP

How to Chane My Document & Desktop Folder Default Path in Windows XP

Well, i never think to do this before. 90% windows users use My Document folder to store daily data. Changing my document path to another drive might help when you PC got crashed accidently due to male-ware or some other reason. Here is quick tip that help you out change…continue reading →
Check Out Google Chrome Extensions Gallery

Check Out Google Chrome Extensions Gallery

If you have not used Google chrome extension yet then this is time to check out Google chrome gallery. Google has now officially released chrome extension gallery that have bunch of extension to enhance chrome power. It certainly increase chrome lover and provide better browsing experience. Just search and install…continue reading →
How to Convert PDF to Microsoft Word & Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to PDF, XPS

How to Convert PDF to Microsoft Word & Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to PDF, XPS

gDoc Creator is free enterprise level application available to convert Word, Excel, and PowerPoint into PDF or XPS. It also has ability to convert PDF to Word doc. gDoc Creator add button in the Office toolbar that allow you to create PDF files instantly. gDoc also allow you to merge…continue reading →

KOffice Best Office Suite Application

KOffice is collection of free office suite application based on KDE platform. It uses default open document format for component communication and component embedding. KOffice includes eight powerful office suite applications for all your desktop needs. Here is short description of application in the KOffice bundle: KWord - KWord is Microsoft word and OpenOffice Text Document alternative. It includes…continue reading →