How to run FFMPEG command in Asp.Net

To run ffmpeg commands in you need to use Media Handler class. Here is an example how to use media handler class to run ffmpeg commands. //Create media handler object of Media_handler class Media_handler mymediahandler=new Media_handler(); // Get web site application path string webapppath =Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath); //Get ffmpeg.exe full path…continue reading →
Compile and Build FFMPEG on Windows Platform

Compile and Build FFMPEG on Windows Platform

Installing FFMPEG from the source in window platform is easy as you do for other window application. Here is the complete instructios how to build FFMPEG in windows. To install FFMPEG on windows you need to install third party MinGW and MSys library that is compatible with GCC. This library…continue reading →
Clip-Share Upload Video Internal Server Error

Clip-Share Upload Video Internal Server Error

Clip-Share is mature script to run your own video sharing website like YouTube. This script is available variety of features and options at low cost. Unfortunately, they don't have good knowledge base to short out technical problems related to script installation. The common problem with Clipshare and other video sharing…continue reading →

Setting up website in WHM server

WHM? is a Web Host Manager tool that allows server administrators to quickly and easily add new web hosting accounts on a WHM enabled Web server.? Here is steps to create new hosting account without hassle. Log into WHM account with your username and password. Click the Create a New…continue reading →

Managing users in Linux

Here is the very useful list of commands used to manage users. su (1) - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs useradd (8) - Create a new user or update default new user information userdel (8) - Delete a user account and their files from the system.…continue reading →

Convert video files to FLV using FFMPEG command

FFMPEG is a most popular command line tool to convert media files such as audio, video and images from one format to another. We are going to learn ffmpeg command usage to convert other media format to current most popular streaming FLV format. FFMPEG is cross platform tool and does…continue reading →
WebThumb snapping the web

WebThumb snapping the web

A new web 2.0 website thumbnail web service has been launched. You can take any web page snapshot in a very short span of time. Webthumb is very fast then other service over the net. The service offering numerous features: Create thumb in 4 different Sizes 80x60,160x120,320x240,640x480. Keep aspect ratio…continue reading →
Schedule Tasks in Windows XP

Schedule Tasks in Windows XP

Schedule Tasks is a utility in window like Cron Job in Linux to run any script, program at specified time. Scheduled Tasks starts every time you start Windows Operating system and runs silently in the background, and it starts each task that you schedule at the time that you specify…continue reading →
AIM chat now with GMail

AIM chat now with GMail

Google just launched AIM chat with Gmail and several? new features incorporated. Now you can talk to your AIM friends using an integrated chat inside Gmail. Your AIM contact list will be automatically populated in Gmail user contact list. You need to have AIM account to sign in using Gmail.…continue reading →
New Deep Blue WordPress Theme

New Deep Blue WordPress Theme

A new excellent word press theme designed to include various adsense unit. The look and feel of theme is really impressive and professional. The layout of the theme allow bloggers to monetize their site very easily.? The theme monetize to include 336x280, 125×125 adsense units in side bar. Templete include…continue reading →