How to use GRUB in WINDOWS environment

How to use GRUB in WINDOWS environment

There is a project in called WINGRUB/GRUB4DOS. It is an extension of GRUB in DOS environment enables dos users to run configuration console in real mode. The project also has a utility called WINGRUB to help configuring and installing GRUB in the WINDOWS environment. Download location: How to…continue reading →
Unlimited Email Storage Space On Rediff

Unlimited Email Storage Space On Rediff

In the highly competitive environment Rediff has introduced unlimited storage space for the free users. This is amazing idea strategy to increase user base but what about the POP3 service Gmail is providing absolutely free? Rediff also has launched new version of RediffMail with the numerous cutting-edge features. some of…continue reading →

Useful .htaccess Rules

Redirecting old domain name to new domain name with the old page to new page. ? Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Hiding .php extension by this rule. Entire .html page on your domain will be translate as .php page. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (.*).html$ $1.php Resolving…continue reading →

PHP: Recursively File Folder Scan

Use the function read_my_dir to scan a folder and subfolders for files and to return array of file and folder traversed. Function is a working copy of the code tested fully on Fedora5 and Window XP plateform. function read_my_dir($dir) { global $tfile,$tdir;$i=0;$j=0;$myfiles; $myfiles[][] = array(); if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh…continue reading →

Send Executable Attachment with GMail

When you receive an e-mail from an address that doesn’t end in, Gmail looks at attachments for file extensions known to be executable (such as .dll, .exe, .vbs, and so forth), so if someone sends you one of these file types, their message will bounce back. This goes for…continue reading →