How to Fix Missing a temporary folder error in WordPress

How to Fix Missing a temporary folder error in WordPress

This error comes when you try to upload media file such as image, video by Wordpress browser uploader or flash uploader. Wordpress shows this error when temporary upload folder not configured in php.ini file. It is possible upload temp folder is configured but path entered does not exist in the…continue reading →
Indian Railway PNR status using Google SMS @ local SMS charge

Indian Railway PNR status using Google SMS @ local SMS charge

Google SMS provide  us a simple way to check Indian railway reservation status also called PNR Inquiry using sms at local sms rate. You can also check Indian railway reservation status through mobile operator service or railway sms inquiry service. All those service require high premium service charge to be…continue reading →

Critical Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer

Microsoft has released security update for all versions of Internet Explorer. According to Microsoft this release cover seven privately reported vulnerabilities and one publicly disclosed vulnerability in Internet Explorer. These critical vulnerabilities can be dangerous. It allow execution of remove code using a web page specially designed for executing remove…continue reading →