Set / Retrieve Script Timeout in ASP

The ScriptTimeout property in ASP specifies the amount of run-time in seconds for a script before it terminates. The default value is 90 seconds set by IIS. Set the script timeout: <% Server.ScriptTimeout=200 %> Retrieve the current value of the ScriptTimeout property: <% response.write(Server.ScriptTimeout) %>continue reading →
Upload Video to Multiple Video Share Sites With TubeMogul

Upload Video to Multiple Video Share Sites With TubeMogul

TubeMogul is a free service that allow you to upload your video to top video sharing sites from a single point. TubeMogul also support powerful video analytic and detailed information about your video. They support number of features that really save your time. Powerful analytic tools with charting features to…continue reading →

Multiple Blog Posting With WBlogger Offline Mass Blogging Tool

I was wondering if i could have a tool that can write post to my blogs offline as well as post to multiple blog. A little effort landed me on w.blogger page. W.Blogger is ultimate tool for blog publising from destop. If you have a long list of your blogs…continue reading →

Secure PHP Application with Suhosin Hardened-PHP

Suhosin is a security product released by Hardened-PHP to secure your PHP application. Hardened-PHP is founded by Stefan Esser, Christopher Kunz and Peter Prochaska from Germany with the primary goal to help php web developers, development organization to secure PHP web application. They also provide searvice to find out security…continue reading →

Install Rar/UnRar Support & Open Rar Archives In Ubuntu

Ubuntu Archive Manager can not open rar file by default in your Ubuntu. Because of the proprietary issue rar support package not included in Ubuntu distribution. However rar support installtion in very easy with apt-get package mamager. Follow these steps to install Rar Support in your Ubuntu Linux Distribution. Open…continue reading →
Instantly Clear Google Search Box History

Instantly Clear Google Search Box History

Google Search Box History is a good tool for web surfer who want to track of their search history. It is very useful sometime when we forget what we have browsed. But at the same time it curious for the people who love their privacy. Because it make available to…continue reading →