Multiple Blog Posting With WBlogger Offline Mass Blogging Tool

I was wondering if i could have a tool that can write post to my blogs offline as well as post to multiple blog. A little effort landed me on w.blogger page. W.Blogger is ultimate tool for blog publising from destop. If you have a long list of your blogs…continue reading →
HotShots from Snap Shots

HotShots from Snap Shots

HotShots is compiled page on snapshots where you can find the most popular weekly top Shots from each snapshot category. Currently, snapshots delivering following type of snap: VideoShots, MapShots, MovieShots, PhotoShots, PreviewShots, ProductShots, ProfileShots, RSS Shots, StockShots, AudioShots, WikiShots, WowShots. Each of the following shot show 9 shots broken into…continue reading →
Digsby New Real Social Messenger

Digsby New Real Social Messenger

Digsby is brand new Instant Messenger client that allow you to connect with most popular chat client like AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber. It allow you to manage your all friends list at one single place with single login plus several new cool features. Let take a…continue reading →
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