Bill Gates Leaving Microsoft – Retirement Session June 2008

httpv:// Bill Gates is retired from Microsoft at the age of 52 to spend more time for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates is still largest share holder and Microsoft chairman but left at June 27, 2008 as regular employee. Now, it is up to Bill Gates successors how…continue reading →
WordPress 406 Not Acceptable Error Fix

WordPress 406 Not Acceptable Error Fix

I just received "Not Acceptable Error while i tried to edit post in Word Press 2.5. Earlier, It was working fine but in the previous post i get annoying error when i tried to save and continue my article. But soon i realize cause of the error. Again, the error…continue reading →
doPDF Freeware PDF Convertor

doPDF Freeware PDF Convertor

doPDF enables you to convert any printable document to PDF format. The program installs as a virtual printer driver and can be accessed from any application that supports printing. Simply select the doPDF printer instead of your regular printer and the file will be converted and saved as PDF document.…continue reading →

WordPress 2.3.3 released

Wordpress 2.3.3 version has been released today to fix security issues in XML-RPC implementation as well as vulnerability in the WP-Forum plugin. According to WP post, an special xml-rpc request can be made that allow one user to update post of another user. Here is full list of fixes in…continue reading →

The First Poem Written for Computers

<>!*''# ^"`$$- !*=@$_ %*<>~4 &[]../ |{,,SYSTEM HALTED If we use the proper cyber names then it will be translated like this Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash, Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash, Bang splat equal at dollar under-score, Percent splat waka waka tilde number four, Ampersand bracket bracket…continue reading →
Setup database backup cron job on godaddy hosting account

Setup database backup cron job on godaddy hosting account

Many time you need to setup Cron Job to schedule specific task at regular interval. This article covering cron job setup on godaddy account. Godaddy account has different interface then traditional cpanel. These instructions apply to server installations. Here are the steps to take daily backup of DBS. Here are the steps to setup cron job for daily backup of database.
  • Log Into your account.
  • Choose "My Hosting Account" from the "Hosting & Servers" menu on the top navigation bar.setup database backup cronjob on godaddy hosting account
  • In the Hosting Account list, click the Open link beside the account you want to use for your website.Godaddy Hosting Account Setup
  • In the Hosting Manager window, click the Cron Manager icon or "Cron Manager" menu item under content menu. Please refer snapshot below.Godaddy Cron Manager Setup Instruction
  • Now you are on the page where you need to setup cron job. Before this, you need to collect following information with the database..Host Name: (Usually localhost but in case of godaddy account it will be look like Database Name: Name of the backup database. User Name: User name of associative database. In case of godaddy account it will be same as db name. DB Password: Database user password for authentication.
  • Please use following mysqldump command to get backup of desired database. Please change required parameter with your own.Syntax: mysqldump --opt -Q -h (hostname) -u (user-name) --password=(password) (database-name) > (full path of backup file)Example: mysqldump --opt -Q -h -u mywebdb --password=password mywebdb > /home/content/b/a/b/babychep/html/backups/daily.sql Please replace variable with new one and put entire command in command text box. No need to use browse button here. Select how you want to run these command hourly,daily,weekly and click on save button to save cron job. Godaddy Cron Setup Command
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