Digsby Yahoo Messanger Authentication Error Fix

Digsby Yahoo Messanger Authentication Error Fix

If you are facing same issue then you might came to right place. After applying several method including password change, server name and connection method i finally got right fix for the issue.   Yahoo has changed server name. It seems Digsby people not maintaining updates regularly. Digsby default Yahoo server…continue reading →
How To Increase Mouse Pointer Size in Windows 7

How To Increase Mouse Pointer Size in Windows 7

I am happy with default mouse pointer size on my DELL windows 7. However changing mouse pointer size may be useful for people who have eye sight problem. I am writing this post because today my close friend asked me how to increase mouse pointer size in windows 7. Here…continue reading →

How to Fix WordPress MU Redirect Loop Installation Error

I recently encounter this issue on my client wordpress mu blog.  When i open main blog page after installation an infinite loop occur and stop at dead end in Firefox. I searched a lot about this on wordpress forum. Surprising, issue is stated everywhere in the forums and blog but no solution…continue reading →
Instantly Clear Google Search Box History

Instantly Clear Google Search Box History

Google Search Box History is a good tool for web surfer who want to track of their search history. It is very useful sometime when we forget what we have browsed. But at the same time it curious for the people who love their privacy. Because it make available to…continue reading →