Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.

This article has 9 comments

  1. David

    Hi there,
    Thanks for a great plugin. I mean it will be great once i get it to work properly:) I´m having troubles saving the data. It returns blank whenever I try to save it. I´m having this problem with WordPress 3.01. Also with headspace2, same thing. If you´d help me I´d be grateful!

  2. David

    Hi again, I think I found the reason why it wasn´t working. It seems if I leave any fields blank no options array update will occur. In my case i left both the description and the keywords blank. So now it´s working! Horray! The thanks for creating the at present only working solution avaiable. To my knowledge anyways…


  3. David

    Hehe, I think you have to disregard my last comment. I did some tweaking to you plugin and managed to save the data. At least. Now I just need to display the darn title too. Care to help?

  4. dudd

    @David :

    Only required if you want to use this plugin with All In One SEO Pack and Title Rewrite Option is on) Download and open aioseop.class.php file and find following line “if ($aioseop_options[‘aiosp_rewrite_titles’]) {“. It is around line number 105. Replace entire line with “if ($aioseop_options[‘aiosp_rewrite_titles’] && !is_category()) {“. Below are the changed before and after change.

    Before the change:

    if ($aioseop_options[‘aiosp_rewrite_titles’]) { ob_start(array($this, ‘output_callback_for_title’)); } } function aioseop_mrt_exclude_this_page(){

    After the change:

    if ($aioseop_options[‘aiosp_rewrite_titles’] && !is_category()) { ob_start(array($this, ‘output_callback_for_title’)); } } function aioseop_mrt_exclude_this_page(){

  5. Satya

    Even after I applied the above tweak, facing the same issue. After setting the meta tags the fields become blank and nothing is saved.

    Using All In One SEO pack version 1.6.x which is latest in free versions.

  6. Satya

    It’s not working even after I deactivated All in One SEO plugin. Please help in this regard.

  7. Sum

    Dear Bala Krishna,
    Thanks for plugin Category SEO Meta Tags, but it would be great if there is a plugin for Meta Tags for Tags Page. Thanks