Digsby New Real Social Messenger
Digsby is brand new Instant Messenger client that allow you to connect with most popular chat client like AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber. It allow you to manage your all friends list at one single place with single login plus several new cool features. Let take a glance on cool new features.

  • Allow you to manage Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, IMAP, and POP accounts digsby messenger.
  • Allow you to login into several IM account with single disgsby login/password.
  • New email notification and autologin to web mail account.
  • Allow you to perform actions such as “Mark as Read” or “Report Spam” right from the email InfoBox in dissby.
  • Allow you to send emails to your buddies just from the Instant Messenger window.
  • Truly social messenger allow you to monitor and manage your social network. Currently, support only facebook and myspace other networks in pipeline.
  • Search-able Chat history log to find chat info later.
  • Send SMS from chant window.
  • Tabbed conversation window make it easier to talk multiple buddies easily.
  • Rename contact as an alias for a memorable name.
  • Allow you to personalize entire look and feel of the messenger including buddy list.
  • Enhanced file transfer manager allow you to tranfer multiple simultaneous file transfers.
  • Support widget for your website, blog and social network that allow your visitor to communicate directly you without any messenger. The widget shows your online status so that your visitor know you are online or not. you can find widget in the sidebar for an example. You can chat with me through this widget. Digsby widget automatically generate dummy user name for your visitor that visitor can edit while browsing site. That user name automatically added in your messenger window as buddy and removed when your visitor leave website. This allow you to know how many visitors currently browsing your site.

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More on Digsby

Digsby is currently in testing phase. You need invitation code in order to register for digsby account. To get invite code please post a comment in this post.

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.